
Yoga Magic<\/h3>\n

Each and every day we have our daily difficulties and it’s important to sometimes just stop, take a deep breath to let loose and release all stress.
\nYoga has been a natural philosophy to assist health by India since ancient times.
\nA few of the advantages that it delivers to the body are flexibility, lower blood pressure, drops blood sugar and helps with balance.
\nWhen doing yoga it helps to cleanse the mind from troubled thoughts, circulate our blood circulation and put the mind and body at ease. Living a healthy life style is fun as maintaining your own thoughts and energy gives you more control to what to pay attention to and to what not. If you think about it we usually reflect our energy’s to those who surround us, so it’s best for them to be as clean and positive as they can be.<\/p>\n

Connect to the Universe<\/h3>\n

Gemstones have a special importance in Vedic -Astrology as they have been used for age’s releases issues caused upon planets. In historic times only people from upper levels such as kings and queens would wear gemstones upon the recommendations and beliefs of astrologers. In today’s world and fashion gemstones have caught popularity and are worn globally by all. Upon Vedic -Astrology the 9 planets are characterized in 9 unique gemstones.<\/p>\n